Pro-Core Sample Reports
The Pro-Core system provides educators with high-quality student data (HQSD) to guide instructional decisions to meet student learning needs. Pro-Core assessments provide evidence of student learning attributable to the teacher through a diagnostic-prescriptive approach which shows student strengths and weaknesses in order to help teachers plan instruction. Pro-Core reports show student progress and achievement in each state learning standard using a pre-test and short cycle assessments along with an interim and post-test in each subject area and grade. This includes student and class growth reports.
Student and Teacher Reports 
- Standards Detail Report – provides a comparison of state learning standard scores in each test subject and form in each teacher’s class. Essentially, it shows each student’s mastery or non-mastery of each subjects’ learning standards. This report can be used by an administrator or teacher to identify high or low performing students, for student grouping, and for planning instruction.
- Class Ranking Report – shows the average scores, sorted low to high, in each state learning standard in each teacher’s class for each subject area assessment. The list can be use to help teachers plan a teaching sequence for each learning standard starting from the weakest to the strongest for each class.
- Item Analysis Report – shows each learning standard with each student’s response on each question. This can be used after a assessment as a teacher’s classroom learning tool to generate class discussions about the standard and responses. An Item Analysis Usage Report is available to show the number of times a teacher has viewed specific questions in the Item Analysis Report or displayed questions to a class for discussion.
- Student Report Card – shows each student’s achievement or progress in each subject at the time the report is generated. Form A, B, C test results or Short Cycle Web Assessment (SCWA) results can be selected along with a list of the learning standards.
District, School, and Class Reports 
- Completion Report – allows test administrators and teachers to view whether all students have completed the Form A pre-test, Form B interim, or Form C post-test assessment prior to the end of the testing window.
- Domains Report – shows school and class average scores in each state learning standard domain for each subject and teacher class.
- Standards Report – shows school and class average scores for each state learning standard in each subject test and teacher class. The average percent of students answering each question correctly in each test for each subject and teacher class may also be shown.
- Web Test Count Report – shows how many Short Cycle Web Assessments (SCWA) each school has accessed over 2, 3, 4, 5 weeks or Year-to-date. You may “drill down” to see individual subjects, classes, students, and tests being accessed within each district school.
- Subject Usage Report – shows the overall usage of the Pro-Core system test forms and Short Cycle Web Assessments in each subject in each teacher’s classes.
- Class Growth Report – uses Normal Curve Equivalents (NCEs) to show how much academic progress students have made between the Pro-Core pre-test (Form A) and the formative (Form B) or post-test (Form C).
Information and samples of additional reports for district administrators, teachers, and students are available in various sections of the Pro-Core User Manual.