Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions about Pro-Core
What is Pro-Core?
Why should I use Pro-Core?
How can Pro-Core help me to become a more effective teacher?
What do schools use as major assessments?
Can I compare my district’s assessment results with other districts?
What do the Pro-Core tests look like?
How much time does the student need to take the subject-grade level test?
Can teachers increase the security of Form A, B, or C tests administered at school or at home by “locking” a student’s test administration date and time?
What about writing, extended or open-ended questions?
How often should students be tested?
Can I get a presentation of the Pro-Core system?
What about training?
What does Pro-Core cost?
Where do I find out more?
Questions About Measuring Student Growth Using High Quality Student Data (HQSD)
What is student growth?
What type of high quality student data (HQSD) does Pro-Core provide?
How does Pro-Core determine student growth using NCEs and Scaled Scores?
What are NCEs?
How are NCEs used to determine student growth?
Why does Pro-Core use NCEs to determine student growth?
How does Pro-Core measure student class growth?
What scale is used for rating class growth?
Can NCEs be applied to measure subject area and building level (for principals) progress?
What is a Scaled Score?
How is a Scaled Score calculated?
How do Pro-Core and Ohio Scaled Scores differ?
How are Scaled Scores used?
What are the Pro-Core Performance Levels?
What are the Pro-Core Growth Ratings?
What are the benefits of Pro-Core’s methodology?
Questions about using the Pro-Core system
How are administrators, students and teachers enrolled into the Pro-Core System?
How soon will my school be ready to log-into the Pro-Core system?
What types of Learning Standards assessments can the teacher select?
What Other Assessments are available?
May calculators be used by students on the Pro-Core assessments?